Apartment Dwellers

These are your heroes, folks - the main characters, all of whom dwell in Cedar Villiage Apartment #444, and harrass the Michigan State University campus with their wargaming ways.

Brian is, for the most part, the average gamer. Geeky, internet-obsessive and able to quote a frightening amount of background material, the only way to tell him apart from the vast majority of his peers is the lack of actual playing he does. He takes such shots at his character with a shrug, preferring to play with the pretty models and oogle at the art and fluff present in his extensive library of Games Workshop books. He is also the sterotypical representation of the artist in the work, and as such, tends to find himself in the pitfalls of his more eccentric roommates' mischevious schemes.

Armies - Orks, Orcs & Goblins


Crafty, scheming, devious, Kevin's need to win is fueled by an overabundant urge for pure world domination in every aspect possible. He'd like us all to believe his powers are omnipotent, but the fact is, like the classic supervillians he so worships, his plots are usually undermined by his own overconfidence in their machinations. Not that this ever discourages him much. Oddly enough, Kevin's politeness and manners, especially towards those of the female persuasion, are impeccable. Weather it's chivalry or a subtle plot, however, remain unknown.

Armies - Tyranids, Skaven


Mike McVeigh. Josh Crozier. Joe Orteza. These are the kinds of people that come to Dave for painting advice. His abilities with the brush and paint are the stuff of legends, and he's put his talent fully to use on his own wargaming obsession. Of course, his own abilities have left him with a pretty big head, and he's known to be quite stuck-up at times. Despite all his talent, though, Dave has never managed to win any official GW awards, mostly due to every modelling project he's entered has managed to touch some nerves with the staff (his 2000 entry, "Fat Bloke Devours Nurgle" was especially ill-received).

Armies - Empire, Eldar, and 1500 points of every other army painted up


Brian's old friend and Warhammer mentor, Scott never loses a game. Ever. Want to take 5000 points against his 500? Prepare to be humiliated. In his native Texas, Scott is somewhat of a dark legend. Not a soul in his hometown will challenge him any longer, after the infamous battle wherein he took on the area champion, and managed to slaughter his opponent, losing only 3 Nurgling bases in the process. So, he packed up his things and hauled himself to MSU, where he terrorizes the locals with his unbroken winning streak.

Armies - Chaos Marines, Chaos Dwarves

Misfire! Comics ©2001 Brian Solomon
All rights reserved. Except for stuff that Games Workshop owns, which is a lot.
Wonderful comic archive/viewing script by Nicholas Blumire.
Unauthorized reproduction or reprinting strictly prohibited.
Kevin smells.